As many of you know, the last few months have been busy for me. My daughter was hospitalized in early October. We came too close to losing her at that time. She has endured a great deal since then and has remained strong and determined. She is home and well on her way to being well. One more surgery in January probably to finish the process of getting things back to normal. For obvious reasons, I have been absent from the blog and creating as a whole. I have done what is necessary to get by for the last few months.
with the holidays upon us, I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to those
of you that have been on this journey with me this year. I hope I have provided
you some fun and useful projects along the way. I will be taking a month or so
off to just regroup, recover and feed my creative side. I will then resume
sharing my files and hopefully creating new ones or at least creating new
projects to inspire you. I wish you all the Merriest Christmas and a safe,
healthy, and prosperous New Year!